IAEA Report on Fukushima
Gustavo CARUSO (IAEA, Oce of Safety and Security Coordination, Austria)
Risk-informing Site Safety Management: External Hazards
Paul AMICO (Jensen Hughes, United States)
An Integrated Modeling Approach for Event Sequence Development in Multi-Unit Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Jiejuan TONG (Tsinghua Unversity, China)
Gap Analysis between Single-unit and Multi-unit PSAs for Korean NPPs
Gyunyoung HEO (Kyung Hee University, Korea, Republic of)
Current and Future EDF R&D activities on External Event Assessment
Mohamad HIBTI (Electricite de France, France)
Earthquakes, Safety Goals, and Multi-Units (OH MY)
Woody EPSTEIN (Curtiss-Wright, Japan)
Research Status of Multi-unit PSA Methodology in Korea
Ho-Gon LIM (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea, Republic of)
A perspective on Multi-Units PRA and R&D activities in Japan
Toshiyuki ZAMA (Nuclear Risk Research Center, Japan)
Safety Goals and Associated Quantitative Health Objectives (QHOs) Applied to Multi-Units Sites
Mohammad MODARRES (University of Maryland, United States)
Industry R&D Plans for the Site Risk Management and Safety Goal in Korea
Jang Hwan NA (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., Central Research Institute, Korea, Republic of)